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A member registered Dec 10, 2022

Recent community posts

When is the update going to be available

Where are all the h scenes

Ouch February 27th I'm gonna have black balls by then 馃槼

It's legendary

can't wait 

This game really is something else can cut diamonds if you know what I mean when will 0.3.0 be available really looking forward to it 

When will you be starting on level 4 events

When is 0.3.0 coming out

Looking forward to next update.

thank you for letting me know 

More or less when

10th time I've played it wish I could deep dive into that reality. 

When will the update be available this game really satisfies my hunger

would be really nice if you could add Lucy from cyberpunk edgerunners 

As a eroge game fanitic this game really satisfies my hunger keep up the great work looking forward to your next update.